


When the innocent person Torsten Nenzén arrived (2011) at Vancouver Airport, the Government of Canada arrested, handcuffed, detained, orally profaned, imprisoned, publicly paraded and deported the absolutely innocent person Torsten Nenzén from Canada. The Canadian Government reason for the Canadian Government intentional humiliation, deportation and indefinite banishment against innocent Torsten Nenzén was a Canadian Government invented lie; that Torsten Nenzén were “using a loophole in the law” to visit Canada as a tourist. The Government of Canada under the conservative but pro-abortion leadership of PM Stephen Harper indefinitely banished innocent Torsten Nenzén from Canada. In 2015, the conservative prime ministerial powers of Canada were transferred to the ultra liberal, pro-abortion, pro-Islam, pro-homosexuality and pro-cannabis PM Justin Trudeau. Five years after the Government of Canada had imprisoned and deported innocent Torsten Nenzén in 2011, Torsten inquired in 2016 with the Government of Canada, if Canada under the leadership of their new PM would acknowledge its preceding government’s unjust ban and immoral conduct against innocent Torsten Nenzén, and if Canada under PM Justin Trudeau would instead pursue justice by permitting innocent Torsten Nenzén to visit Canada as a tourist. The PM of the Government of Canada refused to answer, refused to apologise, and refused to change its illegal Canadian Government anti-Torsten policy. Innocent Torsten Nenzén is still indefinitely banned by the new Government of Canada.












Fri, 25 Dec 2020 23:25:11 +0100


Torsten-the-hideous-Savage <Prime-Pothead-Trudeau-does-not-much-like-Torsten-the-Savage@blimey.pm>


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Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Pothead Censor of Canada (and abortion-lover):  Justin Trudeau


Hello again Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on (Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019, Feb.28 2019, Apr.9 2019, May 28 2019, Jul.25 2019, Aug.29 2019, Oct.11 2019, Jan.21 2020, March 9 2020, May 13 2020) you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, imprisonment, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, and compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that your Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is Government of Canada continually lying, and why is Government of Canada inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


In 2018, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


In Sept.17 2019, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-09-17_ETA_application-190917_confirmed.pdf). Oct.10 2019, nearly one month after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada has yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-10-11_ETA_application-190917_status_Not-Started.pdf). Your Government of Canada again procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Within 24 hours of Government of Canada’s receipt of my subsequent letter to your Prime Pothead of Canada (Justin), your Canadian government Potheads again produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided once again, on Oct.11 2019, that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/2919-10-11_ETA_application-190917_Decision.pdf)


Justin Trudeau, you have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, have publicly expressed your support for Canadian killings of innocent unborn persons through abortion, have publicly expressed your support for the practice of homosexual sin against God, and have expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State terrorists from Syria and Iraq. From the time of your Government of Canada’s unjustifiable imprisonment of me in 2011, your Government of Canada consistently forbade me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was there gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada also prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada in August 2018. Shame on Canada!!


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):




Prime Censor of Canada – the abortion-loving pothead devil, Trudeau.

1.   https://www.rebelnews.com/tags/justin_trudeau

2.   https://www.rebelnews.com/the_china_files

3.   https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trudeau-government-introduces-bill-to-force-online-media-companies-to-push-liberal-content

4.   https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trudeau-great-reset-remarks-resurface-as-canada-finances-global-covid-19-vaccine-plan

5.   https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/trudeau-and-biden-are-both-pushing-for-the-great-reset

6.   https://www.chp.ca/commentary/c-7-is-an-attack-on-god1




Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email:   torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile:   +46 707 77 77 54

Skype:   blessisrael












Wed, 13 May 2020 23:13:33 +0100


His Royal Contemptibleness Prince Torsten <adorable-Prime-Pothead-Trudeau@blimey.pm>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, nfontdeberlioz@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, jlaurence@ohchr.org, ethrossell@ohchr.org, rrosariodesouza@ohchr.org, kvessali@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, mavhind@hrw.org, stroeha@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, contact@iirf.eu, nel@iirf.eu, drthschirrmacher@iirf.eu, Janet.Epp-Buckingham@twu.ca, office@global-scholars.org, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, jeffth@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, csw-dc@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, info@savethepersecutedchristians.org, info@cfj.org, media@frc.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


Boris-the-Superduper@conservatives.com, leader@labour.org.uk, info@thebrexitparty.org, help@libdems.org.uk, info@snp.org, info@mydup.com, connollyhouse@sinnfein.ie, info@pbp.ie, post@plaid.cymru, uup@uup.org, info@jimallister.org, office@scottishgreens.org.uk, info@peaceparty.org.uk, support@libertarianpartyuk.com, press@pirateparty.org.uk, info@nhaparty.org, hello@renewparty.org.uk, office@rcpbml.org.uk, enquiries@newworker.org, info@cpgb-ml.org, info@tusc.org.uk, office@leftunity.org, info@workerspartybritain.org, enquiries@nationalfront.org, dick@thecommongood.info, headoffice@ukchristianparty.org, info@scottishlibertarians.com, info@workersparty.ie, eirigigeneralsecretary@gmail.com, info@fiannafail.ie, dominic.raab.mp@parliament.uk, keir.starmer.mp@parliament.uk, jacob.reesmogg.mp@parliament.uk, info@centerpartiet.se, info@kristdemokraterna.se, info@liberalerna.se, info@mp.se, info@moderaterna.se, info@socialdemokraterna.se, info@sd.se, info@vansterpartiet.se


becca.cleary@arcchurches.com, caroline@arcchurches.com, lauren.hurst@arcchurches.com, will@arcchurches.com, mlaborde@arcchurches.com, dan@arcchurches.com, lynn@arcchurches.com, michael@arcchurches.com, stacy@arcchurches.com, admin@nswacc.org.au, admin@qldacc.org.au, customerservice@nederlander.com, aogsa@bigpond.net.au, acc.victoria@accvic.com.au, info@empowered21.com, comments@tbn.tv, livinglegacy@tbn.tv, info@nhclc.org, info@pccna.org, ausinfo@joycemeyer.org, info@charismamedia.com, charisma@charismamedia.com, admissions@cfni.org, info@cfni.org, info@rccg.org, info@houseontherock.org.ng, info@irisglobal.org, info@audaciouschurch.com, pr@cogic.org, crcbfn@crc.org.za, crcpta@crc.org.za, admin@lhc.com.hk, reception@wcf.ca, info@cogop.org, church@planetshakers.com, admin@ruachcitychurch.org, thechapel@freechapel.org, mail@hve.ru, clm@clm.org.my, calptower@gmail.com, communication@calvary.my, mhmcustsrv@mhmin.org, adultdiscipleship@churchofgod.org, generals@generals.org, youngadults@bethel.com, CampusREV@fcbc.org.sg, info@fcbc.org.sg, singapore@cfan.org.sg, partners@daystar.com, info@casadedios.org, office@victorychurch.org.ua, info@phcc.ca, info@nlag.in, info@equipperschurch.com, info@thecophq.org, office@evangelical.ie, glenna.rakes@wsfirst.com, info@thechurchofgod.org, contato@biblicadapaz.org.br, info@healing-ministries.org, championinfo@faithfamily.org, revgvelez@myicm.com, revmhernandez@myicm.com, info@celebration.org, info@paoc.org, catherine.mcguinness@cityoflondon.gov.uk, henry.colthurst@cityoflondon.gov.uk, marianne.fredericks@cityoflondon.gov.uk, lorraine.brook@cityoflondon.gov.uk, gregory.moore@cityoflondon.gov.uk, unmesh.desai@london.gov.uk, leonie.andrews@cofe-worcester.org.uk, bishop.dudley@cofe-worcester.org.uk, RuralDean.Martleyww@cofe-worcester.org.uk, RuralDean.Worcestereast@cofe-worcester.org.uk, RuralDean.Bromsgrove@cofe-worcester.org.uk, RuralDean.Droitwich@cofe-worcester.org.uk, RuralDean.Dudley@cofe-worcester.org.uk, 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room.bookings@cofe-worcester.org.uk, jacqui.philips@churchofengland.org, andrewj.brown@churchofengland.org, emma.arbuthnot@churchofengland.org, iain.blythe@churchofengland.org, elizabeth.addy@archbishopofyork.org, Tim.Thornton@lambethpalace.org.uk, Stephen.Knott@lambethpalace.org.uk, Andrew.Nunn@lambethpalace.org.uk, Christopher.Webb@lambethpalace.org.uk, Robert.Gordon@lambethpalace.org.uk, Ailsa.Anderson@lambethpalace.org.uk, Ruth.Mawhinney@lambethpalace.org.uk, Helen.Harris@lambethpalace.org.uk, Anthony.Poggo@lambethpalace.org.uk, Fiona.Millican@lambethpalace.org.uk, Mark.Poulson@lambethpalace.org.uk, Quentin.Padgett@lambethpalace.org.uk, Charles.Patterson@lambethpalace.org.uk, Will.Adam@lambethpalace.org.uk, Isabelle.Hamley@lambethpalace.org.uk, Simon.Lewis@lambethpalace.org.uk, Chris.Russell@lambethpalace.org.uk, Sarah.Snyder@lambethpalace.org.uk, James.Megoran@lambethpalace.org.uk, william.nye@churchofengland.org, malcolm.brown@churchofengland.org, becky.clark@churchofengland.org, nigel.genders@churchofengland.org, julian.hubbard@churchofengland.org, stephen.slack@churchofengland.org, jacqui.philips@churchofengland.org, andrewj.brown@churchofengland.org, jeremy.worthen@churchofengland.org, jonathan.neil-smith@churchofengland.org, HHigton@cofe-worcester.org.uk, mcarter@cofe-worcester.org.uk, safeguarding@churchofengland.org, alastair.callcutt@churchofengland.org, georgina.morgan@lambethpalace.org.uk, angeline.leung@churchofengland.org, casey.chick@churchofengland.org, reception@cofe-worcester.org.uk, newsdesk@theage.com.au, news@heraldsun.com.au, nathaniel.bane@news.com.au, matthew.johnston@news.com.au, fiona.sexton@news.com.au, comments@sbs.com.au, newsroom@dailyexaminer.com.au, online@theaustralian.com.au, mahers@theaustralian.com.au, kellyj@theaustralian.com.au, thomash@theaustralian.com.au, letters@theaustralian.com.au, newsdesk@smh.com.au, tips@rebelnews.com, mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, vantips@postmedia.com, rroberts@postmedia.com, klibin@postmedia.com, hmunro@postmedia.com, gclark@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, tom@RealClearPolitics.com, submissions@realclearinvestigations.com, contact@icij.org, hello@gijn.org, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Censor of Canada (and abortion-lover):  Justin Trudeau


Hello again Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on (Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019, Feb.28 2019, Apr.9 2019, May 28 2019, Jul.25 2019, Aug.29 2019, Oct.11 2019, Jan.21 2020, March 9 2020) you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, imprisonment, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, and compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that your Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is Government of Canada continually lying, and why is Government of Canada inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


In 2018, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


In Sept.17 2019, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-09-17_ETA_application-190917_confirmed.pdf). Oct.10 2019, nearly one month after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada has yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-10-11_ETA_application-190917_status_Not-Started.pdf). Your Government of Canada again procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Within 24 hours of Government of Canada’s receipt of my subsequent letter to your Prime Pothead of Canada (Justin), your Canadian government Potheads again produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided once again, on Oct.11 2019, that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/2919-10-11_ETA_application-190917_Decision.pdf)


Justin Trudeau, you have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, have publicly expressed your support for Canadian killings of innocent unborn persons through abortion, have publicly expressed your support for the practice of homosexual sin against God, and have expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State terrorists from Syria and Iraq. From the time of your Government of Canada’s unjustifiable imprisonment of me in 2011, your Government of Canada consistently forbade me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was there gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada also prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada in August 2018. Shame on Canada!!


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):




Prime Censor of Canada – the abortion-loving pothead devil, Trudeau.














Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email:   torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile:   +46 707 77 77 54

Skype:   blessisrael












Mon, 9 Mar 2020 21:11:14 +0000


His Royal Heinousness Prince Torsten <Prime-Censor-Trudeau@blimey.pm>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, nfontdeberlioz@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, jlaurence@ohchr.org, ethrossell@ohchr.org, rrosariodesouza@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, admin@csw.org.uk, jeffth@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, kiri@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, info@savethepersecutedchristians.org, info@cfj.org, media@frc.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


tips@rebelnews.com, mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, vantips@postmedia.com, rroberts@postmedia.com, klibin@postmedia.com, hmunro@postmedia.com, gclark@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, tom@RealClearPolitics.com, submissions@realclearinvestigations.com, contact@icij.org, hello@gijn.org, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Censor Pothead of Canada (and abortion-lover):  Justin Trudeau


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on (Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019, Feb.28 2019, Apr.9 2019, May 28 2019, Jul.25 2019, Aug.29 2019, Oct.11 2019, Jan.21 2020) you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, imprisonment, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, and compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that your Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is Government of Canada continually lying, and why is Government of Canada inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


In 2018, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


In Sept.17 2019, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-09-17_ETA_application-190917_confirmed.pdf). Oct.10 2019, nearly one month after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada has yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-10-11_ETA_application-190917_status_Not-Started.pdf). Your Government of Canada again procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Within 24 hours of Government of Canada’s receipt of my subsequent letter to your Prime Pothead of Canada (Justin), your Canadian government Potheads again produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided once again, on Oct.11 2019, that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/2919-10-11_ETA_application-190917_Decision.pdf)


Justin Trudeau, you have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, have publicly expressed your support for Canadian killings of innocent unborn persons through abortion, have publicly expressed your support for the practice of homosexual sin against God, and have expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State terrorists from Syria and Iraq. From the time of your Government of Canada’s unjustifiable imprisonment of me in 2011, your Government of Canada consistently forbade me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was there gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada also prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada in August 2018. Shame on Canada!!


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):




Prime Censor of Canada – the pothead devil Trudeau.

















Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email:   torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile:   +46 707 77 77 54

Skype:   blessisrael












Tue, 21 Jan 2020 20:25:00 +0700


The Duke of Mediocrity Prince Torsten <Duke-of-Mediocrity-Prince-Torsten@blimey.pm>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, inspire@opendoorsuk.org, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, info@acn-intl.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, admin@csw.org.uk, jeffth@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, info@churchinneed.org, kiri@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, media@christianpersecutionreview.org.uk, info@cfj.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, tom@RealClearPolitics.com, submissions@realclearinvestigations.com, contact@icij.org, hello@gijn.org, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Minister of Canada (and abortion-lover):  Justin Trudeau


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on (Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019, Feb.28 2019, Apr.9 2019, May 28 2019, Jul.25 2019, Aug.29 2019, Oct.11 2019) you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, imprisonment, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, and compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that your Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is Government of Canada continually lying, and why is Government of Canada inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


In 2018, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


In Sept.17 2019, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-09-17_ETA_application-190917_confirmed.pdf). Oct.10 2019, nearly one month after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada has yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-10-11_ETA_application-190917_status_Not-Started.pdf). Your Government of Canada again procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Within 24 hours of Government of Canada’s receipt of my subsequent letter to your Prime Pothead of Canada (Justin), your Canadian government Potheads again produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided once again, on Oct.11 2019, that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/2919-10-11_ETA_application-190917_Decision.pdf)


Justin Trudeau, you have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, have publicly expressed your support for Canadian killings of innocent unborn persons through abortion, have publicly expressed your support for the practice of homosexual sin against God, and have expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State terrorists from Syria and Iraq. From the time of your Government of Canada’s unjustifiable imprisonment of me in 2011, your Government of Canada consistently forbade me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was there gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada also prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada in August 2018. Shame on Canada!!


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):




Two-faced and black-faced Prime Pothead of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has immaturely engaged in immoral social-gossiping among international political gentry in UK against US President Donald Trump, and has disinformed mainstream media journalists with Justin’s opined subtle blaming of the Trump Administration for the tragically crashed flight PS752.




Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email:   torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile:   +46 707 77 77 54

Skype:   blessisrael












Fri, 11 Oct 2019 00:42:09 +0200


Karolinska Institutet <Karolinska.Institutet@karolinska.de>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, inspire@opendoorsuk.org, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, info@acn-intl.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, admin@csw.org.uk, info@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, info@churchinneed.org, kiri@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, media@christianpersecutionreview.org.uk, katharine.thane@gmail.com, info@cfj.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Minister (and abortion-lover) of Canada:  Justin Trudeau


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on (Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019, Feb.28 2019, Apr.9 2019, May 28 2019, Jul.25 2019, Aug.29 2019) you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, imprisonment, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, and compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Not long ago, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


On Sept.17 2019, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-09-17_ETA_application-190917_confirmed.pdf). Oct.11 2019, nearly one month after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada has yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/2019-10-11_ETA_application-190917_status_Not-Started.pdf). Your Government of Canada is again procrastinating a decision, instead of Government of Canada investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me.


While you, Justin Trudeau, have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, have publicly expressed your support for Canadian killings of innocent unborn persons through abortion, have publicly expressed your support for the practice of homosexual sin against God, and have expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State citizens/terrorists from Syria and Iraq, your Government of Canada have consistently since 2011 forbidden me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada in August 2018.


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):




The Canadian aspirants to political leadership of Canada (currently six parties represented in Canadian federal parliament) demonstrate sheer spinelessness in regard to Canada’s killing of innocent humans; Canada’s unrestricted killing of not only prenatal innocent humans, but also Canada’s killing of humans through euthanasia. Canada offers zero prenatal legal protection in Canada. Canada kills innocent persons by abortion at all stages of pregnancy. Apparently by Canada’s liberal and conservative party leaders alike, some pro-life Canadian citizens are barred from political participation in public life in Canada. Suspiciously, it seems that some pro-life non-Canadians are also banned from entry as tourists into Canada. Because biological and medical facts, and ethical and philosophical arguments, are unsettling for Canada’s political parties’ leaderships, Canada’s political parties’ leaders resolve the deeply unsettled issues of Canada through (1) denials of facts, science and sustainable argument, and through (2) intolerance of diverse views. Regardless of federal election results of October 21, 2019, the Government of Canada’s profane and distinctive potheadness will proceed governance over Canada.  https://twitter.com/TorsNen/status/1182370479115517954




Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Thu, 29 Aug 2019 22:04:04 +0100


Torsten Nenzen <satanic-Hillsong-globally-bans-Torsten-by-edict-of-Brian-Houston@Sweden-is-evil.de>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, inspire@opendoorsuk.org, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, info@acn-intl.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, admin@csw.org.uk, info@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, info@churchinneed.org, kiri@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, media@christianpersecutionreview.org.uk, katharine.thane@gmail.com, info@cfj.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?



Thu, 25 Jul 2019 12:50:22 +0100


Karolinska Institutet <Karolinska.Institutet@karolinska.de>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, inspire@opendoorsuk.org, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, info@acn-intl.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, admin@csw.org.uk, info@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, info@churchinneed.org, kiri@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, media@christianpersecutionreview.org.uk, katharine.thane@gmail.com, info@cfj.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice?



Tue, 28 May 2019 17:03:38 +0700


Karolinska <Church-of-England-globally-PERSECUTES-innocent-Torsten@karolinska.de>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, freedomofreligion@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, InfoDesk@ohchr.org, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com, inspire@opendoorsuk.org, usa@opendoors.org, odaustralia@od.org.au, enquire@od.org, opendoorsca@odcan.org, info@opendoors.de, info@pewresearch.org, contact@iirf.eu, admin@dignityforeveryone.org, info@iclrs.org, info@acn-intl.org, berkleycenter@georgetown.edu, persecutionrelief@gmail.com, admin@csw.org.uk, info@worldwatchmonitor.org, info@ecoi.net, acn@acnuk.org, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, f18news@editor.forum18.org, una@forum-asia.org, info@forum-asia.org, hrd@forum-asia.org, info@releaseinternational.org, contactus@amnesty.org, info@churchinneed.org, kiri@csw.org.uk, info@jcpa.org, shananel@americanprogress.org, legalteam@americanprogress.org, progress@americanprogress.org, office@meconcern.org, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, info@hagueacademy.nl, scleve@law.columbia.edu, s.wilkins@doughtystreet.co.uk, r.bayliss@doughtystreet.co.uk, personalasst@icloud.com, info@fides.org, press@humanrightsfirst.org, media@uscirf.gov, dbashir@uscirf.gov, ecassidy@uscirf.gov, tmufford@uscirf.gov, klavery@uscirf.gov, esther.pollard@truro.anglican.org, philip.mounstephen@truro.anglican.org, katharine.thane@gmail.com, info@cfj.org, info@sirc-csars.gc.ca


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why are the Canadian Government potheads determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Minister (and abortion-lover) of Canada:  Justin Trudeau


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on (Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019, Feb.28 2019, Apr.9 2019) you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, imprisonment, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, and compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Not long ago, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


While you, Justin Trudeau, have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, have publicly expressed your support for Canadian killings of innocent unborn persons through abortion, have publicly expressed your support for the practice of homosexual sin against God, and have expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State citizens/terrorists from Syria and Iraq, your Government of Canada have consistently since 2011 forbidden me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada in August 2018.


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):






Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Tue, 9 Apr 2019 20:24:26 +0200


Karolinska <the-churches-satanically-banish-innocent-Torsten@karolinska.de>


pm@pm.gc.ca, info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, Australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?



Thu, 28 Feb 2019 12:36:51 +0700


Karolinska Institutet <Karolinska.Institutet@karolinska.de>


info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca, sarah.bamford@humanrights.gov.au, Rania.Spooner@humanrights.gov.au, infoservice@humanrights.gov.au, complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au, kgilmore@ohchr.org, rcolville@ohchr.org, mhurtado@ohchr.org, civilsociety@ohchr.org, newyork@ohchr.org, Australia@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, schwarb@hrw.org, tilianm@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, kooyj@hrw.org, wabwira@hrw.org, paris@hrw.org, zurich@hrw.org, brazil@hrw.org, oslooutreach@hrw.org, cidhoea@oas.org, cidh-prensa@oas.org, CIDHPortal@oas.org, ethics@scu.edu, dheider@scu.edu, hcallaghan@scu.edu, jdibble@scu.edu, slehrman.markkula@gmail.com


mediarelations@ap.org, info@ap.org, RNixon@ap.org, pbanda@ap.org, klaub@ap.org, jgambrell@ap.org, mperrone@ap.org, rsatter@ap.org, leaston@ap.org, support@apnews.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com, vantips@postmedia.com, provletters@theprovince.com, newsonline@ctv.ca, news@ctv.ca, publiceditor@globeandmail.com, jtimm@postmedia.com, aowens@postmedia.com, cowardly-and-dishonest-Canadian-journalists-of-cbc@cbc.ca


Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Minister (and abortion-lover) of Canada:  Justin Trudeau


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, and on Nov.29 2018, Jan.14 2019, Jan.24 2019 you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Recently, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


While you, Justin Trudeau, have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, and have publicly expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State citizens/terrorists from Syria and Iraq, your Government of Canada have consistently since 2011 forbidden me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada this August 2018.


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):






Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Thu, 24 Jan 2019 17:18:28 +0700


Karolinska Institutet <Karolinska.Institutet@karolinska.de>




info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca


cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca, cbcnewsottawa@cbc.ca, Adrienne.Arsenault@cbc.ca


Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice?


Canadian Government potheads.


Prime Minister (and abortion-lover) of Canada:  Justin Trudeau


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, and on Nov.29 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Recently, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


While you, Justin Trudeau, have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, and have publicly expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State citizens/terrorists from Syria and Iraq, your Government of Canada have consistently since 2011 forbidden me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada this August 2018.


Canada has no legislation protecting unborn persons during any stage of gestation. Under Canadian law, all pre-born children and full-term babies in utero are unrecognised as persons, and the unborn humans in Canada are not entitled to any human rights or legal protection whatsoever. In Canada, the killing of innocent humans through induced abortion, is permitted at all stages of pregnancy for any reason. Canada contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3, which declares “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


So, Mr. Justin Trudeau, in regards to morality and fundamental human rights, will you please explain: (1) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to arrest, handcuff, detain, orally profane, imprison, publicly parade and deport an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from Canada, (2) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to prohibit an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting his ill mother in Canada while she was alive, (3) why you think it was justifiable for the Canadian Government to prevent an absolutely innocent former resident of Canada (Torsten Nenzén) from attending his dead mother’s funeral in Canada, (4) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to continually ban an absolutely innocent person (Torsten Nenzén) from visiting Canada as a tourist, and (5) why you think it is justifiable for the Canadian Government to promote through Canadian taxes the free and unrestricted killing of innocent humans through induced abortion and through partial-birth infanticide.


Revised lyrics of Canada’s national anthem, which more accurately correspond with Prime Minister Trudeau and his pothead realpolitik Canadian Government (‘O Cannabis’):






Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Mon, 14 Jan 2019 01:58:56 +0700


Karolinska Institutet <Karolinska.Institutet@karolinska.de>




info.com@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, communications@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, Jeff.Meldrum@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, suzanne.sauve-hiron@chrc-ccdp.gc.ca, hrc@gov.mb.ca, rleck@mccagueborlack.com, joanna.harrington@ualberta.ca, genevieve.chabot@mothercraft.com, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca, nicole.eaton@sen.parl.gc.ca, peter.harder@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca, grant.mitchell@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.smith@sen.parl.gc.ca, martin@sen.parl.gc.ca, don.plett@sen.parl.gc.ca, YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca, raymonde.saint-germain@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca, marc.gold@sen.parl.gc.ca, doug.black@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, mobina.jaffer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patti.LaBoucane-Benson@sen.parl.gc.ca, elaine.mccoy@sen.parl.gc.ca, richard.neufeld@sen.parl.gc.ca, scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.ca, Speaker.President@parl.gc.ca, geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca, bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca, carol.hughes@parl.gc.ca, Anthony.Rota@parl.gc.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca, Serge.Cormier@parl.gc.ca, Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca, Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca, kevin.lamoureux@parl.gc.ca, Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca, Karen.McCrimmon@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast@parl.gc.ca, Todd.Doherty@parl.gc.ca, Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Strahl@parl.gc.ca, cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca, Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca, Bob.Zimmer@parl.gc.ca, alice.wong@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca


cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca, cbcnewsottawa@cbc.ca, Adrienne.Arsenault@cbc.ca


Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on Apr.11 2016, Aug.8 2016, Jan.6 2018, Apr.7 2018, Apr.23 2018, Oct.1 2018, Nov.1 2018, and on Nov.29 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a truthful reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral profanity abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Recently, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral profane abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


While you, Justin Trudeau, have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, and have publicly expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State citizens/terrorists from Syria and Iraq, your Government of Canada have consistently since 2011 forbidden me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada this August 2018.


Under your deceitful and ultra-confused leadership, PM Justin Trudeau, Government of Canada opportunely demonstrated recently Government of Canada’s pretentious and hypocritical refugee reception for one deserving refugee to UNHCR (in Thailand), because of that particular case high-profile mass media benefit, while Government of Canada largely ignores to protect the remaining +100 000 refugees in the same country (Thailand); many of whom are persecuted Christian refugees from Islamic Pakistan and who UNHCR fail to reasonably process (by personal testimonies; allegedly because Islamic UNHCR staffs procrastinate asylum cases of Christians). Because of UNHCR (intentional) inefficiency, Christian refugees who register with UNHCR (in friendly Thailand) consequently end up arrested into overcrowded detention centres and are later deported. Personally, I have relations with UNHCR-registered imprisoned Christians from Islamic Pakistan. They were imprisoned because UNHCR failed to expediently process their cases. The Christians remained imprisoned because no churches on earth wanted bail them out of prison, and also because nations (like Canada) would not accept these mass media low-profile good Christian refugees, who truly are persecuted within Islam-dominated nations.









Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Thu, 29 Nov 2018 22:02:43 +0000


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>




cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca, cbcnewsottawa@cbc.ca, Adrienne.Arsenault@cbc.ca, WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca


Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11 2016, on August 8 2016, on January 6 2018, on April 7 2018, on April 23 2018, on October 1 2018, and on November 1 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s oral abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse, wrongful imprisonment and grave moral injustice against a former resident of Canada?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's grave moral injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Recently, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). During nearly four months after the submitted eTA-application (a decision procedure which normally requires a maximum of 72 hrs), your Government of Canada had yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Your Government of Canada intentionally procrastinated a decision, instead of Government of Canada during those four months actually investigating itself of its Government of Canada oral abuse, arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me. Your corrupt Government of Canada, after nearly four months, produced yet another dishonest document of fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to absolutely innocent Torsten. Your Government of Canada decided that Government of Canada is not prepared to investigate itself truthfully, to communicate to Torsten truthfully, or to apologise and repent from for Government of Canada’s lies, oral abuse, arrest, wrongful imprisonment, deportation, grave moral injustice and indefinite banishment from visiting Canada. (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA_application_Decision_2018-11-19.pdf)


While you, Justin Trudeau, have vested your Prime Ministerial power to enhance Islamic influence into Government of Canada, and have publicly expressed your support for returning the genocidal Canadian/Islamic State citizens/terrorists from Syria and Iraq, your Government of Canada have consistently since 2011 forbidden me to visit my biological mother residing in Canada while her health was gradually deteriorating by Alzheimer’s Disease, and your Government of Canada prohibited me to attend my mother’s funeral in Canada this August 2018.


·       https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trudeau-sparks-outrage-with-plan-to-reintegrate-isis-terrorists-into-canada

·       https://canadafreepress.com/article/trudeau-compares-isis-fighters-to-greek-italian-portuguese-immigrants

·       https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/muslim-group-praying-to-eradicate-america-israel-gets-summer-jobs-money-den

·       https://globalnews.ca/news/4551353/conservatives-hammer-trudeau-government-canadian-isis-fighter/

·       http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2018/november/canada-becoming-a-potential-base-for-terrorists-to-attack-the-us-nbsp

·       https://www.weeklyblitz.net/news/while-canada-turns-into-new-jihadist-launchpad-prime-minister-trudeau-emerges-as-terror-patron/

·       https://www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/scott-slayton/terrorism-experts-worry-attacks-on-united-states-launched-from-canada.html

·       http://jcpa.org/is-canadas-justin-trudeau-the-great-reformer-of-islam/

·       https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/12522/canada-jihadis

·       https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13137/canada-funding-terrorism

·       https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11679/trudeau-support-islamists

·       https://www.chp.ca/commentary/islamist-terror-closing-our-eyes-doesnt-make-it-go-away

·       https://www.chp.ca/commentary/a-canadian-is-a-canadian-is-a-canadian-.-.-.-really

·       https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11554/canada-islamophobia




Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Thu, 1 Nov 2018 23:03:59 -0400


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>






Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11 2016, on August 8 2016, on January 6 2018, on April 7 2018, on April 23 2018, and on October 1 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse and injustice?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Recently, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). More than three months later, your Government of Canada has yet not decided (http://www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-11-01.pdf). Is Government of Canada intentionally procrastinating a decision, or is Government of Canada actually investigating itself, and thus now prepared to repent from Government of Canada’s lies, abuse and injustice?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Mon, 1 Oct 2018 14:17:41 +0100


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>






Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11 2016, on August 8 2016, on January 6 2018, on April 7 2018, and on April 23 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse and injustice?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Recently, I applied again for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-Application-2018-07-25.pdf). More than two months later, your Government of Canada has yet not decided (www.kyrkor.be/eTA-application-status-2018-10-01.pdf). Is Government of Canada intentionally procrastinating a decision, or is Government of Canada actually investigating itself, and thus now prepared to repent from Government of Canada’s lies, abuse and injustice?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Mon, 23 Apr 2018 14:25:22 +0700


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>






Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11 2016, on August 8 2016, on January 6 2018, and on April 7 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse and injustice?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Sat, 7 Apr 2018 21:07:34 +0700


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>




Why is the Canadian Government determined to continue its course of Canadian Government lies & injustice ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5, 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11 2016, and also on August 8 2016, and also on January 6 2018, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and indefinite banishment against me?


If there is no truthful and valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess Government Canada's mistake, explain Government Canada's mistake, apologize for Government Canada's mistake, compensate for Government Canada's mistake? Will the Government of Canada grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport? If the Government of Canada is still unwilling to become truthful, when do you assess that the Government of Canada might be willing to become truthful?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership ever pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of Canadian governmental abuse and injustice?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada is merely continuing Government Canada's injustice of indefinite ban against absolutely innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from your obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Sat, 6 Jan 2018 18:00:03 +0700


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>




Canadian Government change -- or continued Canadian Government lies & unjustifiable persecution ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5, 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11, 2016, and also on August 8, 2016 you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me?


If there is no valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess the mistake, explain the mistake, apologise, and grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of governmental abuse and injustice?


Under your national leadership so far, your Government of Canada merely continues its indefinite ban against innocent Torsten. Under your prime ministership, the Government of Canada continues its trajectory of invented and fraudulent non-reasons to deny a tourism visa to innocent Torsten. (http://www.kyrkor.be/lying_Canadian-Government_corrupted_by_Canadas_satanic_churches.pdf) There is zero substance of truth from the obsessively lying Government of Canada. Why is the Government of Canada obsessed with lying and inventing fraudulent non-reasons to ban innocent Torsten from Canada?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Mon, 8 Aug 2016 20:28:26 +0100


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>




Canadian Government Change - or continued Canadian Government unjustifiable persecution ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5, 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, and also on April 11, 2016, you received an email letter from me. You have not yet replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me?


If there is no valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess the mistake, explain the mistake, apologise, and grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of governmental abuse and injustice?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Mon, 11 Apr 2016 20:41:32 +1000


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>




Canadian Government Change ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


On November 5, 2015 in conjunction with your inauguration for Prime Minister of Canada, you received an email letter from me. You have not replied.


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership provide a correct reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me?


If there is no valid reason for the Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me, then will the Government of Canada now confess the mistake, explain the mistake, apologise, and grant to me a guarantee of entry back into Canada – at least as a visitor with a European passport?


Will the Government of Canada under your leadership pursue to unravel truth and present justice in this case of governmental abuse and injustice?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54












Thu, 5 Nov 2015 16:44:13 +1100


Torsten Nenzén <torsten@nenzen.net>




Canadian Government Change ?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Hello Sir,


Congratulations Mr. Trudeau. Canadian voters felt that they wanted some sort of change in Canada. As a people-person, you surfed that wave of national mood with great personal success.


Under the rule of preceding PM Steven Harper, the Government of Canada arrested, incarcerated, deported and indefinitely banned me from visiting my home country Canada even as a tourist – on May 11, 2011. No correct reason has ever been provided by the Government of Canada. The Government of Canada has not admitted any mistake and has not apologised.


In regards to substance of national change, may I please opportunely ask if itinerant changes for Canada might also include a provision of a valid reason for the former Government of Canada’s arrest, incarceration, deportation and banishment against me. And if there is no valid reason, then may I kindly ask that the new Government of Canada admits mistake, apologises, and grants me a guarantee of entry back to my home country – at least as a visitor with a Swedish passport.


If the Government of Canada is changing towards humanitarian justice, then I look forward to the Government of Canada repenting from its previous Canadian governmental humanitarian injustice, by now acknowledging a Government of Canada mistake was committed against me.


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén

Email: torsten@nenzen.net

Mobile: +46 707 77 77 54






In the public since 2011:





From:   http://www.kyrkor.be/Inhumane_Swedish_Pastors.pdf

“On June 28, 2010 the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada decided that I am not welcome to return to my home country Canada as a returning permanent resident, in spite that I was raised and schooled in Canada and in spite that my only brother and my parents live in BC, Canada as Canadian citizens. […] On May 31, 2011 I was detained and imprisoned by the Canadian government (through cbsa-asfc.gc.ca), and on June 1, 2011 I was deported from Canada (http://www.nenzen.net/TN-to-CBSA-110707.pdf). I am not permitted to visit Canada again.”