Ian Turner, presumably the treasurer of Hibiscus Coast Presbyterian Church in New Zealand, attempted to send an anonymous email in regards to his online reading about the satanic pastors in Auckland, New Zealand.







The presumed Presbyterian Ian Turner falsely accuses the already falsely accused Torsten of anger problems and other unspecified major problems, and advises the innocently excommunicated Torsten to seek treatment for his problems. The Presbyterian individual in New Zealand also advises that Torsten should apologise for exposing the truth about the false accusations against Torsten by the churches in Auckland, New Zealand.


As a typical church leader, Ian Turner exemplifies the incessant inability and unwillingness of church leaders to accept and adjust to proven facts and evidence, and church leaders’ absolute refusal to repent from their evils.


The email dialogue is read chronologically from the bottom upwards beneath, with the most recent email at the top:














Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:15:31 +1200


Ian Turner <i.k.turner@xtra.co.nz>




RE: personal website


[no additional content in email]







Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:47:14 +1000


GLOCALNET <info@glocalnet.de>


Ian Turner <I.k.turner@xtra.co.nz>


Re: personal website


Who are you?









Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:37:28 +1200


Ian Turner <I.k.turner@xtra.co.nz>




personal website


Hi Nenzen

I write to let you know that I am praying hard for you.


I was searching the internet for the history of a church when I came across one of your web pages where you were making charges against that particular church's minister.

So I did some further searching and I found more of your pages where you do the same - these ones against leaders of other churches, not even in the same country, as the first, but in separate countries !!!


As I read the first one, the over the top language you used soon made me realise that you have a very serious anger problem.

It is not usual for a new attendee to immediately ask to be contacted about small groups, or to announce immediately that they are looking for a life partner. When the age gap is as great as it is in your case, it is natural that there should be safety issues in people's minds.

The accusations you have made against church leaders are extreme and possibly libelous. Often in cases like this, such charges are more appropriately descriptive of the person making them than of the recipient.


So I trust that you will seek treatment as you do clearly have a major problem


You seem to be travelling a lot and it would be helpful for my prayers if you could keep me advised of your planned itinerary.


Jesus loves everybody. I pray that you can learn to do that too.


Your web pages are very hurtful and do you no credit at all. I trust that you will remove them and replace them with apologies.

