2016-04-30   [Edited page by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]



A typically satanic Australian church “Crosspoint Church” in Cairns, Australia, explicitly banished a Christian who is absolutely innocent in relation to each excommunication by all churches worldwide and who is absolutely innocent also to this particular Australian church. The devilish pastors refused to provide a reason for their explicit banishment. With evidence, confessions have exposed that the pastors/priests in Cairns participate in a slanderous membership-club called Cairns Christian Ministers Network (CCMN), which spread secret lies, and effectually persecute authentic Christians.








Crosspoint Church in Cairns, Australia, explicitly banished a Christian who is absolutely innocent in relation to this particular church in Cairns, and who is absolutely innocent in relation all the other hundreds of churches who similarly have excommunicated/banished/evicted the same innocent Christian. Similar to all the other devilish pastors and priests globally who acted similarly against the innocent Christian person, also none of the Crosspoint Church pastors were able to provide any Biblical or reality-based reason for their persecution against the Christian. In these deeds, all of those pastors/priests serve satan.


The Australian church pastors are Biblically obligated to provide a Biblical and a reality-based reason for their banishment against Torsten, if the church pastors would assert to be followers of Jesus Christ, but satan’s church pastors refuse to specify any Biblical or reality-based reason for their hostile & hateful Australian church banishments and evictions.


One of several distinctions of satanic pastors of churches is an obsession to persecute God’s people, and to never repent. Satan is incapable of repentance, and so also are satan’s pastors of churches incapable to repent from their obsessive persecution against God’s people.


Of all societal institutions in nations of Western civilisation, churchianity is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. The typically inhumane, falsely accusing, and satanic pastors of the churches in Cairns are epitomes of such churchianity hypocrisy.


It is a sin to lie, it is a sin to falsely accuse innocent persons, and it is a sin to evict/excommunicate Christians who are absolutely innocent in relation to eviction/excommunication. Neither satan nor satan’s Australian pastors/priests of churches will ever repent from their sins against Torsten.


The conduct of the majority of pastors of churches is identical to the acts of satan. There is no congruity between this persecution by these typical pastors of churches and the Judeo-Christian Bible.


It seems apparent that no church on earth cares, in reality, about truth when truth, by evidence, implicate that the overwhelming majority of professional pastors of churches act in alignment with satan against innocently excommunicated Torsten; with their pastoral lies, false accusations, slander, defamation, gossip, cyber bullying and persecution.


Because of satan’s Australian & New Zealand pastors of churches unceasing invention of lies, false accusations, slandering, defaming, cyber bullying, gossiping and persecuting the innocent but evicted/excommunicated Christian person Torsten, God’s good plans for Torsten to marry a Godly appointed woman is consistently annulled.


Nearly all pastors of all churches on earth where Torsten has visited or communicated have sought to hinder Christian friendships, hinder Christian relationships and prevent a Christian marriage. The vast majority of pastors of churches on earth have done the will of satan in this. None of these pastors of churches have repented from their sin, but continue to serve satan in this.


The email dialogue with the Crosspoint Church in Cairns, Australia, is read chronologically beneath in ascending order, with the most recent email at the top:













[Edited header by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]


Fri, 22 Apr 2016 20:14:19 +1000


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>


Jason Harris <…@gmail.com>, …@crosspointcairns.com


satan's typical pastor Jason Harris


Crosspoint Church Cairns.


Hello Jason Harris,


Thanks for finally revealing your actual values (non-Biblical) and true spiritual nature (ungodly), which is what I had expected from you.


Firstly, you did not answer if you are a member of the pastoral club called ‘Cairns Christian Ministers Network’ (http://www.cairnschurches.net.au). Neither did you answer if you received through ‘Cairns Christian Ministers Network’, or through any of the lying pastors of churches in Cairns, a slanderous email against me.


Satan’s pastoral lies flourish best as rumours in secrecy, and by evidence of your email, you reveal that you are simply a typical devil-pastor who seeks to ensure that I should be unable to defend myself against the satanic church-pastor’ undisclosed lies, by maintaining the lies as hidden behind my back, so that the pastoral lies would not be challenged. Satan hates truth & justice, and so also do the vast majority of church leaders hate truth & justice.


Secondly, you have banished me from your so-called church. If you were a Christian, then you would have followed the Biblical principles for banishment/excommunication by specifying the sin of which you accuse me, and presenting evidence or witnesses to your accusation. But as a typical pastor, you of course reject the Bible as authoritative for Christian life, you hate facts and truth, and therefore, you banish/excommunicate me without any Biblical or reality-based reason.


- What is your Biblical or reality-based reason for your banishment against me?

- What specifically are you accusing of?

- Am I guilty of anything?


You demand that I must change, although I am absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing in relation to churchianity.


- What are the changes that you demand?


You clearly imply that I would have medical, psychological or psychiatric conditions which require medical specialty attention.


- Describe the symptoms that you accuse me of.

- What is your ICD diagnosis against me?


Jason Harris, you are simply a typical church-pastor. Through your email you have exposed your hatred of truth, your love of lies, and your utterly evil disposition.




Torsten Nenzen








[Edited header by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]


Fri, 22 Apr 2016 06:55:36 +0000


Jason Harris <…@gmail.com>




Re: Re: Christian relationships.


Hello Torsten,


After having reviewed briefly the content of several websites associated with yourself (http://sweden-is-satanic.com/, http://www.kyrkor.be/, http://karolinska.de/, and http://www.nenzen.net/), I must revise my earlier comments. Please do not attempt to enter the premises of CrossPoint Church or any related service or event.


If you wish to change, I am quite happy to help you in any way I can in conjunction with a medical doctor and a qualified therapist. Any additional correspondence will be considered only as it demonstrates evidence of humility and a genuine desire to change.











[Edited header by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]


Fri, 22 Apr 2016 01:14:42 +1000


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>


Jason Harris <…@gmail.com>


…@crosspointcairns.com, …@yahoo.com


Fwd: Re: Christian relationships.


Crosspoint Church Cairns.


Hello Jason Harris,


I am trying to unravel the truth.


Three pastors of three different churches of various denominations, here in Cairns, have confirmed that a slanderous email against my person has been emailed out by a network of pastors and priests of Cairns. None of those three pastors have confirmed the source of lies and slander, and none of them have revealed the content details of the email.


I suspect, however, that the lying and slanderous pastors responsible for this evil might be members of a club called ‘Cairns Christian Ministers Network’ (http://www.cairnschurches.net.au), but this has not yet been confirmed. Neither has any details of the pastoral slander against my person been revealed.


Since you earlier indicated an openness to your church, I would like to ask two questions to you:


(1) Are you or any other pastor of your church a member of the pastoral club called ‘Cairns Christian Ministers Network’ (http://www.cairnschurches.net.au)?


(2) Did you receive through ‘Cairns Christian Ministers Network’, or through any pastor in Cairns, any email(s) of a cautionary nature about my person?


If so, then will you please forward a copy of that slanderous email(s) to me, so that I too may read those pastors’ secret slander against me behind my back. A forwarded copy of that defamatory email(s) will also provide opportunity for me to defend myself against the pastoral lies and slander against me behind my back.


Kind regards,


Torsten Nenzen









[Edited header by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]


Sat, 16 Apr 2016 14:10:14 +0000


Jason Harris <…@gmail.com>




Re: Christian relationships.


Hello Torsten,

Thanks for the note. Sorry the first email didn't get through to me.

We do have some singles and since we're still quite a small group, there's plenty of opportunity to get to know people at our main service on Sunday mornings at 10am. We're just about to move into our new building at the shops on [Edited address by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05], but tomorrow's meeting is here at my place at [Edited address by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]. My number is [Edited number by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05] if you have any questions. We'd love to have you visit and to get to know you a bit.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Grace to you.









[Edited header by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]


Sat, 16 Apr 2016 23:11:37 +1000


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>


…@crosspointcairns.com, …@crosspointcairns.com, …@yahoo.com


Fwd: Christian relationships.


Crosspoint Church Cairns.




I am a Christian here in Cairns. I seek a Christian community in Cairns with surroundings where there is opportunity to fellowship and socialise with also Christian singles.


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also youngish Christians (~late 20’s to late 30’s) gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church where to also develop friendships?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén









[Edited header by force https://bit.ly/39aDPz1: 2020-02-05]


Wed, 13 Apr 2016 21:44:01 +1000


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>




Christian relationships.


Crosspoint Church Cairns.




I am a Christian here in Cairns. I seek a Christian community in Cairns with surroundings where there is opportunity to fellowship and socialise with also Christian singles.


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also youngish Christians (~late 20’s to late 30’s) gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church where to also develop friendships?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén
